On sunday october 6, we’ll be starting our first teaching cohort. If you would like to discover or grow in your gift of teaching, let us know! Please sign up to receive updates.

We will meet on Sunday evenings, from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Armitage Baptist, from October 6 - November 17 ( no meeting Oct 13, marathon Sunday, due to evening service at Church in the Square).


In late 2022, our leadership team decided to embark on a biblical journey. We wondered, Does Paul have women in mind when he writes Ephesians 4:11? If so, should women who are gifted in these ways use those gifts to preach and teach in all ministries of the local church, including but not limited to the Sunday morning sermon? If not, what limits and/or liberties should there be for women and non-elders who teach and preach, especially in the Sunday gathering?

This curiosity led to the forming of the Ephesians 4 Team. Together, they met for about a year to read, pray, and discuss this important question. While many other questions came up along the way, they remained committed to seeking the Lord’s will through his Word on this one subject. Late last year they presented their recommendation to our elder team and then to our membership. During this series, we’ll be teaching their findings and considering particular implications for our church family.

“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ …”



  • Two Views on Women in Ministry

    James R. Beck (Editor), Stanley N. Gundry (Series Editor), Linda L. Belleville (Contributor), Craig L. Blomberg (Contributor), Craig S. Keener (Contributor), Thomas R. Schreiner (Contributor)

  • Ephesians 4 Team Report

    Aryn O’Donnell, Jason Helveston, Jasmine Kent, Katherine Del Rosario, and Quinn Baron

  • Elder Response to Ephesians 4 Team Report

    Juan Estupinan, Aaron Sweeney, Derec Schmidgall, and Jason Helveston

  • 1. Teaching: A Gift Given to the Church (Ephesians 4:1-16)

  • 2. Women: Heralds of the Good News (Mark 16:1-8)

  • 3. The Word: God's Beautiful and Powerful Self-Disclosure (Hebrews 4:11-13)

Group Guide

For three weeks, we’ll be teaching through various passages, explaining the findings and implications of the Ephesians 4 Team process and recommendations. This series will also guide our discussion in our small groups throughout the week.